What science is beginning to understand is something that healers and mystics have long intuited and practiced. It is this: we are nature and live in a sentient world. 

Intuitive herbalism is the practice of slowing down and listening to a plant with all of our five senses and being with what comes up as a reflection of our inner and subconscious worlds. Plants are wonderfully uninterested in human feelings. Which make them the truest mirror, to see within ourselves. This body-based, limbic brain approach to meeting a plant connects us to our animal bodies and sensual nature, revealing both the shadow and light qualities that make us utterly and remarkably human.

Come, journey with Rose via your senses, to connect and communicate with the plant-world. In a crisis-filled world, tapping into our ancient intelligence is a feminine practice, which needs to be remembered.

The invitation is to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves, in the safety of the space that I create as witnessed by the chosen plant. In this case, Rose. 

How does it work? We sip a warm infusion of Organic Kashmir Rose Water allowing it to take us on a journey. 

How often? The commitment would be to meet for 1.5 hours once a month. 

How do we meet? Our sessions would be confidential and in-person, in Goa or online

A contribution of INR 2000/- will be the exchange. 

If this interests you email me at quillandfern@gmail.com and let's begin...


~ Testimonial ~

Nomita led me through a meditation and healing session with the spirit of Rose, a plant I have had a long association with although I did not know it.

Our session felt very deeply peaceful. I felt my heart opening to receive the blessings of Rose.

My session with Nomita led me to an acknowledgement of grief that has been held in my body for forty years. It eased some physical symptoms and brought an awareness which helps me every day, as I continue the process of acceptance and healing. We followed up the meditation with a beautiful ritual which continues to give me comfort and joy. 

~ M, Goa