Poetry: Sacred Reunion - An Anthology
So here’s the deal: over the last year or so, I’ve been working on a new collaborative book published by Flower of Life Press titled Sacred Reunion: Love Poems to the Masculine and Feminine—An Anthology.
My contribution to this anthology in the form of three poems along with 22 other poets, were written with Rebecca’s sensitive and masterly guidance while I sat under the canopy of a small yellow trumpet tree. It is a creation to help us feel deeply connected to ourselves and the many aspects that live within us, to heal wounds of division.
Sacred Reunion: Love Poems to the Masculine and Feminine—An Anthology may be purchased here.
In Rebecca's words, "The book is a collection of conversations—of aches, of yearnings, of pain, of ecstasy, calling to one another...responding to one an- other. The call is answered and echoed back with each poem. Thus, poems are to be read in pairs. They’ve been matched, as they speak to one another.
....With only a few exceptions, the poets with paired poems did not know one another. Only a small handful were intentionally writ- ten as a response to an ‘unmatched’ pair; most pairings occurred naturally.Once they were all collected, a pattern emerged—a natural story was told. Patterns became themes, which became the chapters in the journey of love."